Overview of error messages

This page gives an overview of the error messages and describes the circumstances under which they may occur.

No component has been selected!

Appears in the report if no component is selected or if the selected object is not a component or subassembly (for example, a work plane is selected).

Virtual components are not supported!

Appears in the report if a virtual component is selected and virtual component support is disabled in the INI file.

The library file cannot be edited. The document is read-only!

Appears when a library item/document is selected in the report, or when a library part is open.

The document is read-only!

Displays if a read-only component is selected in the report - for example, included in Vault, or if a read-only component is open.

The first sheet of the drawing does not contain a view! The model is not available!

Appears on the drawing if the drawing view is empty - it does not contain a reference to the part/assembly. The drawing automatically detects the reference on the first drawing view.

Edit the contents of the newly created configuration file:

It will display,

  • if the configuration file "ErpPicker4lnv.ini" does not exist;

  • if it's not even in the expected disk location;

  • if an invalid path is set in the registry.

FormPicker_Shown/PopulateDatagrid: Unsupported connection string: ExampleOflnvalidConnectionStringFormat

Displayed if the connection string to the data source is written incorrectly.

FormPicker_Shown/PopulateDatagrid: Incorrect syntax near','.

Displayed if ConnectionSelectCommand contains an incorrect SELECT statement from the data source, or if ConnectionString contains an incorrect connection string.

FormPicker_Shown/PopulateDatagrid: Invalid column name ’FakeColumn'.

Displayed if the ConnectionSelectCommand has an incorrect data source column name.

FormPicker_Shown/PopulateDatagrid: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'FROM'.

Displayed if the syntax of the ConnectionSelectCommand is incorrect, e.g. there is a redundant character before the FROM key.

Material is not defined in Inventor!: xxx

Displays if material mapping by data source is set and the material library in Inventor does not contain the required material.

Unsupported version of Inventor! The highest supported version is Inventor 2024.

Holixa ERP Picker is only supported up to Inventor version 2024.

Last updated