Main Card

Data interface connection string

basic and essential settings

definition of the location of the data exchange interface tables and the method of access authentication

the general format is: Connection string = server; database; credentials

  • Server:

    • "Servername" - mandatory

    • "Instance" - depends on the installation

    • "SQL port" - if necessary

  • Database:

    • "Databasename" - mandatory prefer a DB other than where the Vault server's DB store is

  • Credential:

    • either SQL credential format "DB username" and "DB password"

    • or Integrated security for domain security


  • Server=< srvname>\<instance>,<SQL port>; Database=< dbname>; User ID=< username>; Password=< pwd>

  • Server=VltSrv\AUTODESKVAULT,49820; Database=ec_idata; User ID=sa; Password=pwd123

  • Server=sapsrv; Database=Vault2Sap; Integrated Security=true;

Initiate import
  • used to periodically initialize import operations from DI to Vault

  • diagram and description is given in the section Imports

  • for older versions this option is marked: Enable CadStudio.Import job on JobProcessor sleep event

Use pending publication

when exporting from Vault, this option affects the time link between the creation of published files (e.g. creation of PDF files) and the export batch being marked "Pending" (i.e. ready for processing by ERP, comm_status=0).

  • Disabled (default setting) immediately after writing all data to DI is set to comm_status = 0, does not wait for files to be published

    • advantage: communication is faster

    • disadvantage: files (e.g. PDFs created by JobProcessor) listed in the EcLINK table are not yet created

  • Enabled the whole batch has comm_status = 0 set only after the last (published) file is created

    • advantage: the entire batch contains valid / complete / data at the time of "release to ERP"

    • Disadvantage: transmission has a delay waiting for files to be created (published) If an error occurs while publishing one of the files, the entire batch is marked as incorrectly processed - no transfer to ERP

    • SQL connectivity between the JobProcessor (Publisher) and DI is required for this setup

Logging level
  • level (logging detail)

Log back to job queue
  • see description of Logging - Reverse logging section

Enable Export job monitoring
  • tracking the delay for which export jobs remain in the DI in the Pending state

Enable diag mode

access to diagnostic functions in the ec menu:

  • Data interface browser

  • Reset configuration

Enable mock mode
  • enables simulation of data writing to DI - but this data is not sent to the production environment

  • the final state of the batch is not marked with the Pending flag - the MockMode state is set for the batch

Ignore addons
  • Ec Addons will not be introduced

ForceRefresh on custom commands
  • enforcing content recovery after an ec command (e.g. 'Create Material Bindings') historically this feature is unreliable in the Vault API - it can be disabled as follows

Force Cfg update for each job
  • possibility to override optimization (speed up) of job processing

  • On:

    • ec cfg will be loaded for each job and CS license will be verified (= original status until 2019)

  • off:

    • ec cfg and CS license is loaded within the first job after JobProcessor wake-up

    • for other jobs the cached ec cfg is used and the license is not verified

    • when logging in to another server, reloading ec cfg/verifying CS license is forced

    • refresh ec cfg can be forced by pausing or restarting JobProcessor

Apply VaultTools rules on selected entities
  • enabling restrictions for the 'Send to DI' command

  • if enabled, VaultTools must be installed

Use state based publication for Send to DI requests

If not selected, the "Send to DI" command creates the export job CadStudio.Export (complete export with links).

If selected, the current state of the entity is evaluated to see if it is "Released"

  • if yes, the job CadStudio.Export is created , i.e. complete export - including links, BOM

  • if not, the job CadStudio.Export.AssocOnly is created , i.e. only the entity and its bindings - typically a schedule

Enable preprocess
  • definition of the function to run before initiating the import

Last updated

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