Import items

State change timing

original request: 2018-02, VíBa; reason:

  • minimizing uncleanable versions typically on an item i.e. write properties or BOMs on items before approval or after change to WIP

  • applying ACLs to associated item files when the state changes


  • for each batch entity is loaded:

    • LfCycState_cur (current state)

    • LfCycState_trg (target/required state from erp)

  • as part of the import, a state change is made to either:

    • OnVaultEntityAvailable - i.e. immediately after getting the Vault entity instance or

    • OnBulkFinished - before the batch import is completed in the inverse order of batch decay (children first, top last)

  • logic for determining when to change the build:

    • OnVaultEntityAvailable for the state combination:

      • LfCycState_cur = Released AND LfCycState_trg <> Released

      • LfCycState_cur = Obsolete AND LfCycState_trg <> Released

    • OnBulkFinished in other cases

Last updated