Description of the reverse logging process
reverse logging can be enabled in the central EC configuration;
after it's turned on:
the scheduled job CadStudio.Ec.Service is created
The processing of the CadStudio.Ec.Service job instance from the point of view of reporting back is as follows:
for each batch that contains a record in DI.EcENTITY that has a comm_stat status of Error (9) or ErrorReportRequest (90) a new job CadStudio.Error is created with a reference to the batch number (bulk_id) and the parameters of this job contain the error description read from DI.EcLOG
then the CadStudio.Error job is processed and its processing ALWAYS ends with an error and the error description is read from the job parameters and used to log the job error
for jobs (batches) of the CadStudio.Export or Import type that end with an error, the transfer status ErrorReported is written (DI.EcENTITY.comm_status = 91)
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