Import folder

In the EcENTITY table, one field must be mapped to a property with the system name "FolderPath" (full folder name).

up to and including the 2018 version:

In addition to the properties in the EcENTITY table, you must write an entry to EcLINK that references using the EcLINK.ent_id field.

Example of values:


    • name = 'Project XYZ'

    • ent_class_id = 'FLDR'

  • EcLINK

    • object_name = '$/Projects/Power plant/Project XYZ' (i.e. the full folder name)

    • link_type = 1 (i.e. FullClientCompose)

    • ent_id = (id value in the EcENTITY table)

In addition, if the imported folder is required to be structured according to a Vault template, an additional EcLINK entry must be created:

  • ent_id = (id value in the EcENTITY table)

  • link_type = 2 (i.e. FullClientAcrContents)

  • object_name = '$/Templates/Projects/Power plant' (i.e. the full name of the source folder for cloning)

If a folder of type library is to be imported, EcENTITY.base_uom='LIBRARY' must be set.

Last updated

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