Tab < entity>

Enable entity
  • enabling/disabling entity transfer

Export on user request

setting the Send to DI command (communication to DI at the user's initiative)

Export options
  • Export thumbnail (ITEM, FILE) option to enable preview export in the form of binary raster data

  • Use item revision (FILE) when writing file data to DI, the item revision is used in the EcENTITY.revision field

Import associations (ITEM)
  • Update file on item import in the import of the requisition, the properties of the item will be written to the file

Request associations (CUSTENT)
  • Create request association Creates an association of an item with the file for which the request was created

Mappings tab

setting the mapping between the EcENTITY table and the entity properties

Translation of the Ec.ENTITY.guid field

a specific case of mapping a property to a DI field using Replace for EcENTITY.guid:

  • during the import, the so-called EcEntityType is evaluated, for this evaluation a valid guid is required in case of CUSTENT

  • if the ERP writes another constant instead of guid (e.g. 'REQUEST' in the case of Helios Green), the guid is evaluated as follows:

    • the configurations of all CUSTOMERS in the repository are reviewed

    • for each CUSTENT, the mapping for the guid field that is defined with map direction Both or ErpToVault is checked

    • if an "Erp property value" is found in the Replace settings of a guid that was read from DI as EcENTITY.guid (and this replacement is defined as Both or ErpToVault), this CUSTENT is identified as EcEntityType and is processed with its configuration

Associations tab

settings for exporting/importing relationships between entities

Train jobs tab

setting of "train" jobs - they are created AFTER export

Postprocessing tab

after writing the export batch, the PostProcess can be started - it can take the form:

  • executable file (e.g. EcPostProcessHeG.exe) in this case two parameters are passed during the call: the batch number (EcENTITY.bulk_id) and the ConnectionString to the DI database (enclosed in double quotes)

  • sql stored procedure - in this case it is necessary to specify it with the sp prefix: example sp:EcTosHulinTrim the procedure is passed the INT type parameter containing EcENTITY.bulk_id

Example of a postprocess procedure:

-- =============================================
-- Author:		CAD Studio a.s., Simunek Bronislav
-- Create date: 2017-11-27
-- Description:	Shorten the field to the first 8 characters for values that start with 8 digits followed by an underscore
-- The original value of the field is written to the EcENTITY.name_ori field
-- =============================================
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo]. [EcTosHulinTrimName]
	UPDATE EcENTITY SET name_ori=name, name=SUBSTRING(name,1,8) where bulk_id=@BULK AND LEN(name)> 8 AND SUBSTRING(name,9,1)='_' AND ISNUMERIC (SUBSTRING(name,1,8))=1

example sql syntax to remove domain from user name:

SUBSTRING(requested_by, CHARINDEX('\', requested_by, 1)+1, 99)
Materials tab (ITEM)

setting of BOM bindings for metallurgical materials

ERP ticket tab (FILE, ITEM, CO)
  • condition for successful communication of the entity to the ERP

  • Attention - the condition must be met: workstations have SQL connectivity to DI !

Reason for introduction

The ECO (items attached to it) can be edited if the ECO has not been approved. If a problem is detected in the ERP when communicating an ECO already approved in Vault, it is too late.

The approval of the ECO in Vault must therefore be conditional on the ERP's prior approval that the data is processable.

"ERP ticket" = a record of an entity communication from Vault to ERP in DI, where the entity modification date field (EcENTITY.modified) corresponds to the date of the last entity modification (ECO) in Vault on which the user is trying to make a state change

Implementation description

the configuration contains for selected EcEntity types (ITEM, FILE, CO) transitions (state changes / transition / activity) for which the DI analyses the state of the previous Vlt=>Di communication for the entity and for which a restriction is created if necessary

Evaluation procedure

Reason for restriction to CO, FILE, ITEM

  • no state change event is available in the Vault API for FOLDER (user cannot be stopped)

  • no last modified date or version is available for the CUSTENT object - it is not possible to evaluate for which CUSTENT to verify the ErpTicket status

Transcription of editors (CO) tab
  • no state change event is available in the Vault API for FOLDER (user cannot be stopped)

  • no last modified date or version is available for the CUSTENT object - it is not possible to evaluate for which CUSTENT to verify the ErpTicket status

Rollback tab (ITEM)

possibility to mark transitions on which the CadStudio.Export.EntityOnly job will be created

Last updated

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