5.1 File version/revision publishing

On the "Behaviors" tab, there is a new option to edit the entity version from which the publication is performed.

If the option is unchecked, the file is published using the version specified in the job parameter, which is the standard method. If the option is checked, the version of the entity from which the file will be published is updated before publication:

  • When publishing a FILE entity, the latest version of the file in the same revision in which the file was sent is taken.

  • When publishing an ITEM entity, the latest version of the item in the same revision from which the item was sent is used. However, the latest version of the file is no longer used. Instead, the latest version of the item in the specified revision is used, and the versions of the files linked to this item version are published.

This option addresses "unwanted" updates for certain types of parallel tasks. In these cases, the document may be updated before publication, for example, the revision table might be updated. Checking this option ensures that the correct file is selected for publishing.


Let's have an IPT file from which we want to publish a STEP file, and an STL file. Both published files are to be attached to the source IPT file after publishing (Standard file attachment option). Examine the different results based on the Perform publishing... checkbox selection.

Perform publishing... checkbox unselected

  • Both STEP and STL files are published.

  • Only the STEP file (the first published file) is attached to the source IPT file. For the STL file, there is an error message in a job queue.

  • The reason is that Publisher4VLT tried to attach the STL file to the older version of the source IPT file which was modified after the STEP file was attached.

Perform publishing... checkbox selected

  • Both files were published and attached to the source IPT file.

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