entity associantions (eg. BOM, Change Order/Item, …)
field | data type | description |
id | bigint not null PK | record number |
assoc_type | smallint not null | association type / entity relationship description: BOM = 0, CoItem = 10, CoFile = 11, Attachment = 20, LinkParCld = 30, Association = 40, ReverseAssoc = 50, Other = -1 |
ent_id_parent | bigint not null FK | parent entity – link to |
ent_id_child | bigint not null FK | child entity – link to |
qty_occ | int | BOM - number of component occurrences |
qty_total | float | BOM - total quantity |
position | nvarchar 6 | BOM – position (item number) |
row_number | nvarchar 6 | according to EcASSOC.assoc_type field: BOM: row number Attachment: “Pin” means pinned to a specific file version Association: 0: Primary, 1: Secondary, 2: Tertiary, 3: StandardComponent, 4: PrimarySub, 5: SecondarySub (AWS.ItemFileLnkTyp Enum) |
driven_by_cad | bit | for BOM: 1 = row is driven by CAD component for Association: 1 = file is driven by Item |
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