Bulk Upgrade of Families

Automatic conversion of projects and families to the current version

Location: ribbon Be.Smart T4R, panel Project

Packages: Holixa T4R Silver

Main functionalities and benefits:

  • Improved productivity while working with multiple Revit versions

  • Help save time - no need to upgrade projects, families one by one

  • Solves the need to upgrade all libraries, templates, etc., when moving to a newer Revit version


The function allows to batch upgrade Revit projects, families and templates to the current Revit version.

In addition, it can save upgraded projects and families to new destinations, add prefix and suffix, and replace parts of names.

You also have the option to audit files during the upgrade process, detach from central and discard/preserve worksets, or automatically reload the path of external references

Click to play the video tutorial ↓

Last updated