
Released on 19th June 2024


  • Fixed a potential error in displaying the window with licensing information when the Be.Smart ERP Picker with LT licensing is installed.

  • Fixed a typo in the "Rename Nodes" command error messages.

  • We made some changes to avoid problems with iLogic rules after upgrading to Inventor 2024.2.

Known Issues

  • โ€œOpen PDF file after exportโ€ in T4I's publishing settings conflicts with the Inventor's PDF option โ€œDisplay Published File in Viewerโ€. If โ€œDisplay Published File in Viewerโ€ is checked, it always overrides the settings of โ€œOpen PDF file after exportโ€. In other words, the published PDF file will always be opened in the default viewer no matter what you set for the โ€œOpen PDF file after exportโ€.

  • Due to changes and updates that GitBook made to the online help structure, automatic Help translations from English to other languages using Google Translator temporarily don't work as expected ("Can't translate this page" error is displayed).

Last updated