Export settings

Command Description

The Export settings command helps users easily save the Be.Smart T4I settings into an XML or REG file, which can then be shared with other users / deployed to multiple workstations, so the process of configuring multiple T4I installations is greatly reduced.

Export using the REG file

Only ONE file is exported, including user-specific settings (General section of the Be.Smart T4I Settings).

This type of export is recommended for individual users who want to back up their settings.

Export using the XML file

TWO files (XML and REG) are exported. The XML file contains all application settings except the user-specific settings, and the REG file contains the user-specific settings.

This type of export is recommended for use in corporate installations where it is undesirable to distribute purely individual user settings to other users. Also, the XML file can be stored in a network location easily accessible from all workstations where the T4I is installed.

Command Location

All environments.

Command Settings

This command has no settings.

Workflow Overview

  1. Run the command.

  2. Select the file type to store settings.

  3. Save the file.

  4. (Use the file to import settings back to T4I.)

Last updated