Landing page
Landing page is where user is first directed when accessing Site Productivity.
Last updated
Landing page is where user is first directed when accessing Site Productivity.
Last updated
Landing page contains an overview from a project, which can be filtered with multiple different filters.
The menu bar on the left hand side is where all the necessary tools can be found. It contains three different sections; Reports, Asset management and User management. This manual is being divided in to the same sections, but the sections are covered in different order.
The content of the menu bar on the left side varies depending on the user role.
Admin has full access to the tenant. They see all the information from all the machines, sites and users.
Ideally there should be at least two (2) admins, so there is more control on the tenant.
Admin's task include inviting users and assigning these to user groups.
Here are the links to different sections: