Creating a project from Site Management

With the Q2/2024 release a possibility to create a project via Site Management was introduced

After successfully signing into Site Management, the project view has a new button "+ New project".

The appearance may vary between ACC and Trimble Connect versions, due to the differences in these systems. Also the project creation dialog varies, because different information is needed for the two platforms. Both of the dialogs will be introduced in the next chapters.

Autodesk Construction cloud

Click "+New project" button and a creation dialog opens. It contains the following information:

Mandatory Information:

  • Name

  • Type

Optional information:

  • Project template

  • Coordinate reference system

    • Configuration file is automatically created, based on the CRS

    • Strongly suggested to fill in

  • Thumbnail image

  • Start date

  • End date

  • Value and the currency

Information can be added or edited later on, but it is done via ACC.

Please note that user must have certain rights to be able to create a project.

Trimble Connect

Click "+New project" button and a creation dialog opens. It contains the following information:

Mandatory Information:

  • Name

  • License

Optional information:

  • Coordinate reference system

    • Configuration file is automatically created, based on the CRS

    • Strongly suggested to fill in

  • Thumbnail image

  • Description

  • Start date

  • End date

Information can be added or edited later on, but it is done via Trimble Connect Web.

Last updated