Inspect breaklines
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Breaklines are used in designs to indicate where changes in the surfaces occur. It makes design much more easier to comprehend. For machine control these are crucial, because these highlight even slight changes in the surface slopes.
Please note that inspect breaklines functionality supports only LandXML -format and breakline -elements
Clicking the Inspect breaklines -section from the Tools -menu opens a floating window.
Breaklines -window lists all of the files that contain breaklines and are visible on the map.
There are three main functionalities of the breaklines -window:
Search bar is located on the top of the window. It allows user to narrow down the results based on the text strings or numbers. Search is done within all the listed files.
For example, user wants to only view breaklines that represent curbs. If and when the breakline contains the text string "curb" - user can use the string to filter the results.
Highlighting function is the key when trying to locate the different breaklines.
To highlight a breakline, user must hover mouse cursor on top the wanted breakline in the list. This functionality highlights the breakline in yellow color.
Selecting is a breakline is an easy functionality and it only centers and fits the map view to show the selected breakline completely.
Selecting is done simply by clicking the wanted breakline from the list.